
I’m not a big fan of cubism and I just make this because it’s school work, but I ended up liking this and I realized that green and orange look good together. It’s a watercolor painting. It’s a tea set up and the green background is suppose to be a blanket.

Leafy Urban Sketches

One week ago, online school is finally over so I now have the time to do whatever I want. I have never posted in a long time because of online school. During time of school, I took an urban sketching class and because of the pandemic that we can’t go out, we mostly sketch the things at home and we use google maps or images fond online. We were asked to post our sketches on instagram and my teacher said that we are allowed to make another instagram account so I made a second account because my main account is not just for urban sketches and I don’t want to my followers (if they even care about me) to think that I’m an urban sketcher now. I like to make art that I could take some time for it to look good than a one or two hour sketch. I realized that watercolor is the medium that I’m the quickest to finish a piece.

Here are some sketches of my mother’s plants that have pink/purple/red color on their leaves. There are a lot of these colored plants at home and they feel nostalgic to me because have seen some of these kinds of plants when I was a kid. These are the urban sketches that I like so I chose them to be on wordpress.

I have a bad day and something made it worse. I hope things will be better later on.

Taffy Fan Art

I love the Boomerang TV show, Taffy. It is about a raccoon named Scraggs, who was later renamed Taffy, disguises himself as a cat in order to get adopted, so that he can live a life luxury in a mansion and to no longer have an unlucky life in the dump. His plan was a success when the owner of the mansion, Mrs. Muchmore thinks he’s a cat. However, a dog named Bentley, who is Taffy’s rival, will try to expose Taffy to be a raccoon and so Taffy must do something to prevent that from happening.

This a fan art of Taffy holding a can of caviar with Bentley behind him. I painted Taffy and Bentley with acrylic paint. The Background was watercolor and I treated it like gouche again, which I think was a mistake, but I’ve seen other people did it. But I’m very happy with this artwork and I love it so much.

I absolutely love this show, it is fun to watch and I have a good time with it. The characters are likable and the animation looks gorgeous and stylistic and I’m a sucker for gorgeous and stylistic animations as an artist. Even if the show is new, it feels nostalgic to me because it reminds of those shows I watch as a kid.

My favorite character is Taffy because he is witty, playful, cute, and cheeky in a charming way that you want to root for him. I like how he is capable of handling any situation. He often help himself to some good food in the mansion that are way better than those in the trash, having fun in his new life and just trying not to get his cover blown. Even if he was an imposter, he actually wasn’t a threat to Muchmore manor so it is fine get him in. He was rather kind of sympathetic at first because he was down on his luck, very hungry and longing for good home and life until he got himself in Muchmore manor by disguising himself as a cat so Mrs. Muchmore adopted him and he is now living a life of luxury despite Bently trying to attack him to expose him as a raccoon. Thought Taffy wasn’t trying to be a bad kitty, he doesn’t have to be a good kitty all the time when Bentley keeps harassing him, he has to do something about it even if it means he has to get Bentley out of the mansion. When he gets too bad, I like that he learns from his mistakes and can still be a good kitty. He is definitely the best character of the show.

Bentney is an angry dog, who knows that Taffy is a raccoon and seems to be jealous of Taffy because Mrs. Muchmore give all her attention to Taffy than to him and he wants to get rib of Taffy. But Bently is actually a likable and funny character. Mrs. Muchmore is also likable, she is a happy and sweet rich senior who also have a sensitive side. Forsyte is the butler and he isn’t bad either.

The picture below is a screenshot. It is the cutest pose I’ve ever seen.

Wander and Sylvia

These are just fan arts of two characters from Wander Over Yonder. These characters belong to Craig McCracken, the man behind The PowerPuff Girl and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. On the circle one, I painted Wander and Sylvia with poster paint and I colored the background with a purple colored pencil and white and pink watercolor. I know that the watercolor will smudge to the other page of my sketchbook because I used the chalky one and so does the colored pencil, so I decide to cover the surface with glue that dries clear and it makes it glossy and doesn’t smudge anymore. The other one is all painted with poster paint.

Wander and Sylvia are inseperable best friends. Wander is the main protagonist of the show and Sylvia is the deuteragonist. Their relationship is so wonderful and precious that I could feel that they are more than best friends. You don’t have to agree with everything I said especially if you don’t like the pairing because this is just what I feel. In the series, it is shown that Wander and Sylvia have an excellent and special chemistry and I love it. But they weren’t romantic, only platonic.

Wander is an intergalactic space traveler and a do-gooder. He was so funny, friendly and kindhearted. He always help those who are in need and do good. He sees the good in everyone even if that person is bad. He is a kind of guy you would like to befriend with. Sylvia is a zbornak, who is Wander’s traveling companion and best friend. She is tough, brave and intimidating,but also caring and protive. She could make a good big sister. Wander and Sylvia have a mysterious relationship because there might be something hiding behind their relationship and how it made us question if they are actually couples. But it was never answered in the show. They might be lovers that are hiding the romance between them or maybe they see each other as just friends but are actually lovers. I may have found some hints that their relationship can be romantic: the multiple hugs they give each other, they pretended to be parents, they share a glass of drink with two straws and a planet, that has a crush on Wander, was jealous of Sylvia. The episode, with the jealous planet, might the episode that really tries to hint that they are romantic. It was the first episode where Wander and Sylvia says “I love you” to each other and it shows Wander not wanting to fall in love with another girl, but rather wants to be with Sylvia. Wander did say to Sylvia that he can imagine a lot things but he can’t imagine a better friend than her, which means to me that she could be the only one he wants in his life forever. None of them has any love interests throughout the show. It might mean that the two of them should be partners. The story of how they met is interesting. Sylvia used to be a bad person and a dangerous bounty hunter, but Wander’s influence changes her to a goodhearted person. Since the show was cancelled we never get to see more of their past lives.

Again, you don’t have to agree with everthing I said. It is just what I feel.


I have used watercolors before acrylics. It was a part of my childhood and I fell in love with them and I used it when I was a child and this what made my mother to take me to painting lessons. Though my paintings, when I was a kid, wasn’t as good as now, but I’m having fun and it is a good way to start. Those watercolors on the picture are cheap, but good and pigmented. The pan set was chalky, but still good.

Prayer Painting and Poem for God

This painting is called “Prayer.” It represents faith in God. I painted it with watercolor. We can communicate with God and come closer to Him through prayer. When I started studying at St. Mary’s Academy, I’ve learned more about God, His good deeds and how great he is. It inspires me to be faithful and makes me a better person. I have an inspirational book with poems that send messages of hope and joy to all who have faith in God and I love reading it when I was a kid and it has pictures of beautiful watercolor paintings. My grandmother, have book like that and I also love it. Here is a poem I write as a tribute to God. This is titled “Peom for God”

I believe in God and I pray
He help me become a better person
He showed me what it truly means to be great
And it made me even happier

God was there for when no else is around
Especially my loneliest of lonely times
He is our creator and our Father
He always forgive us when we did wrong things

God give strength to the weak
And cares for the poor
When life gets hard, we pray
God protects and guides us wherever we are

He loves us with everlasting love
He will help us with our troubles
And comfort us with our pain
We are thankful to God for everything