Leafy Urban Sketches

One week ago, online school is finally over so I now have the time to do whatever I want. I have never posted in a long time because of online school. During time of school, I took an urban sketching class and because of the pandemic that we can’t go out, we mostly sketch the things at home and we use google maps or images fond online. We were asked to post our sketches on instagram and my teacher said that we are allowed to make another instagram account so I made a second account because my main account is not just for urban sketches and I don’t want to my followers (if they even care about me) to think that I’m an urban sketcher now. I like to make art that I could take some time for it to look good than a one or two hour sketch. I realized that watercolor is the medium that I’m the quickest to finish a piece.

Here are some sketches of my mother’s plants that have pink/purple/red color on their leaves. There are a lot of these colored plants at home and they feel nostalgic to me because have seen some of these kinds of plants when I was a kid. These are the urban sketches that I like so I chose them to be on wordpress.

I have a bad day and something made it worse. I hope things will be better later on.