This is when I ended up liking the sketch better than than the line art.

I did this way back on inktober. Using ink pen on traditional drawing is hard for me because I can not erase it once the ink is on the paper.

I really want to post, but I getting slower on drawing and I have been getting burnouts that I did not draw anything good.

2021 has been a sad year for me. There are happy times, but most are sad. I am not expecting anything good in 2022 because I am not optimistic. I will just to do things that I like to do to keep me happy.

Day 7, 8 and 9 of inktober drawings of my OC. All of my inktober drawings are on my school instagram account. I just a few of them post here.

I thought of putting my original characters on inktober so maybe I could practice drawing the design and style I went for. Bringing the things I like to the drawings makes it enjoyable to me. In participating on inktober, I had fun, but sometimes I struggle. My problems are my burnouts, the time and when the theme is something I have no idea of how to interpret it. But If I don’t have anything to think of how I interpret the theme, I just draw what they literally mean. There are times that I get too carried away in trying to make the drawings look good that it took me longer to draw than it was supposed to be. That just me when I’m making art. Ink may not be my preferred medium, but maybe inktober will improve my ink drawing skill. I’m not good at ink, I’m heavy-handed that my line arts are not smooth and I know that there will going to be bad ones, but I’m happy with most of them and it is not about how good I draw. I’m glad that I get to participate on inktober because I get to practice my style of drawing characters and setting them on the theme and also to learn something about ink drawing and bringing the things I like to make them more enjoyable.

Day 4 of inktober. When I heard “knot”, this scene from the 2011 Winnie the Pooh came to mind. “I can tie a bow.”

I love Winnie the Pooh and Piglet is one my favorite. The films and the books are a part of my childhood. I bring the things I like and I will make fan arts on inktober so that at least I have a little bit of fun rather than just feeling challenged.

I Participate on Inktober 2021

Our teacher will give us an A+ if we participate on inktober and we no longer need to take an exam. All of my drawings will be on my school instagram account. I will be only post the ones that I am somewhat proud of in here. This is Day 2: Suit

My OC on a new suit.

This is a traditional drawing that is just pen and paper. I take a picture and did some editing.

I know there will bad ones on my inktober drawings because I don’t think I’m good at ink.

He was seen in my first digital drawing and that drawing sucks because I was new to digital and I do not know how it work. Now I’m learning how to do it, but I’m still taking time. I am also changing his design to make it better than the first one. This is just if he goes to an event or something and not his official design.

Skidmark Fan Art

This is my fan art of Skidmark from the Dreamwork movie, Turbo, and its TV series, Turbo FAST. I used colored pens, black ink pen, poster paint and colored pencils.I thought the movie was okay, but the series was greater than the movie. In the series, the characters, Whiphlash, Skidmark, White Shadow, Burn and Smoove Moove get more character development and they are lovable.

My favorite character is Skidmark, the blue snail who was Whiphlash’s feisty number two and the one with propellers on his racing shells because he is so smart and had a good sense of humor. The fact that he is a conspiracy theorist only made him more lovable.

I will tell more informations about him than wikipedia did, though I am getting ideas from wikipedia and add my thoughts about him and I’m sorry that I will not talk about the other characters. But don’t take this so seriously because I may have said something wrong.

He is very talented at mechanics as he builds racing shells that give him and his teammates speed and his racing shell has mechanical arms inside it, which he often use to build his invention quickly and used like hands. Skid is one of the funniest characters in the series and is shown to be enthusiatic. He the most intelligent and wisecraking of the crew as he come up with plans and ideas and can tell a pretty good joke. He is studious and an absolute genuis, but insane. His teammates often get annoyed with his fondness to conspiracy theories, despite most of them are true. He has the ability to see other people’s thoughts and knows that he is in a show as he sometimes breaks the fourth wall. Although he have an unusual behavior and slacks off at times, he is a devoted member of the crew and he proved that he have compassion such as saving innocent snails and insects from dangerous creatures, helping others and sacrificing himself to save his friends.

The series did not reveal his past life. I know that his real name is Skip Markovitch, but where does he come from? It said that he is an immigrant from a place called Shellis Island and his last name was changed. It was never mentioned in the series that he has any parents or relatives. Maybe he was found by Whiphlash and was the first one to be recruited to the crew and that’s why he’s the second-in-command. Maybe Whiphlash was his adopted father or guardian after he moved to him.

Some people say that ordinary snails can smart, but a snail literally has no brain. Does the makers of the series even know that snail don’t have brains? Skidmark said that he have a brain and keeps saying things about it like “it’s messing with my brain.” Maybe Skidmark didn’t mean an actual brain, but another organ that controls. Maybe he is the only snail that has a brain. I know that the snails in Turbo are anthropomorphic, but Skidmark is rather unique. Maybe the reason why he is a genuis was because he has a brain. This is not making any sense, but I just saying.

There is something good happened when watching Turbo FAST and Skidmark as my favorite character. Skidmark inspired me to study harder and to be smart. It really help me in school. I’ve been getting good grades because I’ve been studying really hard and I became smarter. I’m very thankful.