
I’m not a big fan of cubism and I just make this because it’s school work, but I ended up liking this and I realized that green and orange look good together. It’s a watercolor painting. It’s a tea set up and the green background is suppose to be a blanket.

This painting was made three years ago. I wanted to post something, but I don’t think I have any original artwork. A lot of them are copied from references for school purposes, and some are just pieces that I’m not happy with. So I decided to post this old artwork that I made for school because it is original and I think it is good enough for me to post it here. The teacher thinks it’s good and so do my classmates. I think I meant to post this a long time ago, but I forgot. 

This piece is in complementary colors, which are blue and orange. The picture is based on my childhood. The things on the table are things that I loved as a kid and I still love them now.