Day 4 of inktober. When I heard “knot”, this scene from the 2011 Winnie the Pooh came to mind. “I can tie a bow.”

I love Winnie the Pooh and Piglet is one my favorite. The films and the books are a part of my childhood. I bring the things I like and I will make fan arts on inktober so that at least I have a little bit of fun rather than just feeling challenged.

Stress Relieving Art #2

This painting is one of my stress relieving art I did for an online class that is also a humor. Inspired by one of the videos of TheTekkitRealm on YouTube. His videos are great and I recommend watching them. This piece is actually a fan art and my teacher did not know.

The background is a beach so that it has an atmosphere that makes you feel relaxed and there is also humor because a laugh makes you feel good.

When the YouTuber rides the kid’s motorcycle that his subscribers bought him, it reminds me of the time when I ride my three year old cousin’s car, which was small enough for me to barely fit, because he allowed me to. Don’t worry, it did not break, I’m kind of light.

I hope this you find this funny and if not, at least relieves your stress.

The Beatles Pop Art

This is definitely a fan art and it is also a pop art. It’s the Beatles pop art and each of them are in complementary colors. I love the Beatles. I haven’t posted fan arts in a long time and it was nice that I get to do a fan art again. I made this as a project in online school from last year. I never liked online school because I’m barely participating and it made my addiction to the internet even worst. Last year, I have some ideas on some fan arts but I did not make any because of online classes and there is something messing with my head that I couldn’t tell what. Anyway, I’m happy with this artwork and I hope I get to more art that I want to do.

Taffy Fan Art

I love the Boomerang TV show, Taffy. It is about a raccoon named Scraggs, who was later renamed Taffy, disguises himself as a cat in order to get adopted, so that he can live a life luxury in a mansion and to no longer have an unlucky life in the dump. His plan was a success when the owner of the mansion, Mrs. Muchmore thinks he’s a cat. However, a dog named Bentley, who is Taffy’s rival, will try to expose Taffy to be a raccoon and so Taffy must do something to prevent that from happening.

This a fan art of Taffy holding a can of caviar with Bentley behind him. I painted Taffy and Bentley with acrylic paint. The Background was watercolor and I treated it like gouche again, which I think was a mistake, but I’ve seen other people did it. But I’m very happy with this artwork and I love it so much.

I absolutely love this show, it is fun to watch and I have a good time with it. The characters are likable and the animation looks gorgeous and stylistic and I’m a sucker for gorgeous and stylistic animations as an artist. Even if the show is new, it feels nostalgic to me because it reminds of those shows I watch as a kid.

My favorite character is Taffy because he is witty, playful, cute, and cheeky in a charming way that you want to root for him. I like how he is capable of handling any situation. He often help himself to some good food in the mansion that are way better than those in the trash, having fun in his new life and just trying not to get his cover blown. Even if he was an imposter, he actually wasn’t a threat to Muchmore manor so it is fine get him in. He was rather kind of sympathetic at first because he was down on his luck, very hungry and longing for good home and life until he got himself in Muchmore manor by disguising himself as a cat so Mrs. Muchmore adopted him and he is now living a life of luxury despite Bently trying to attack him to expose him as a raccoon. Thought Taffy wasn’t trying to be a bad kitty, he doesn’t have to be a good kitty all the time when Bentley keeps harassing him, he has to do something about it even if it means he has to get Bentley out of the mansion. When he gets too bad, I like that he learns from his mistakes and can still be a good kitty. He is definitely the best character of the show.

Bentney is an angry dog, who knows that Taffy is a raccoon and seems to be jealous of Taffy because Mrs. Muchmore give all her attention to Taffy than to him and he wants to get rib of Taffy. But Bently is actually a likable and funny character. Mrs. Muchmore is also likable, she is a happy and sweet rich senior who also have a sensitive side. Forsyte is the butler and he isn’t bad either.

The picture below is a screenshot. It is the cutest pose I’ve ever seen.

Moe’s Tavern Fan Art

This is a fan art of Moe’s Tavern from The Simpsons. I like The Simpsons and Homer is an iconic and very funny character. My favorite secondary characters are Moe Syslaks and Waylon Smithers. I like Moe because he is hilarious everytime he gets a prank call from Bart and he is a short tempered bartender, but he have caring side. I like Smithers, the devoted excutive assistant to Mr. Burns, because I find him being gay to be cute and despite working for an evil man, he is still a kind and goodhearted man.

This artwork took me so long to finish especially when I’m being patient with details. I even started making this before I drew the dog drawing, which makes this painting older than that drawing and I finished that drawing before I could even finished this painting. This was way before I went to college

This is a watercolor painting. There is nothing wrong with the painting itself, but it was how I made this was a huge mistake because I did not use watercolor paper and I treat the watercolor like gouche. I wanted it to have a watercolor effect, but I was new to watercolor and I never knew any techniques and it didn’t work because I wasn’t using watercolor paper because I prefer buying cheap art supplies before I went to art school. If you read my one of earliest post, I did use watercolor when I was a kid, but I was just a kid, I know nothing about watercolor techniques and how it should be used. I realized my mistake when I heard my teacher told a classmate, who treated watercolor like gouche, that in a watercolor painting, you can still see the paper through the paint or the paper is not fully covered with paint. I’m not going to lie, I might treat watercolor like gouche again because I know some people does that and their artworks are pretty good. I’m actually really happy with this artwork.

Wander and Sylvia

These are just fan arts of two characters from Wander Over Yonder. These characters belong to Craig McCracken, the man behind The PowerPuff Girl and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. On the circle one, I painted Wander and Sylvia with poster paint and I colored the background with a purple colored pencil and white and pink watercolor. I know that the watercolor will smudge to the other page of my sketchbook because I used the chalky one and so does the colored pencil, so I decide to cover the surface with glue that dries clear and it makes it glossy and doesn’t smudge anymore. The other one is all painted with poster paint.

Wander and Sylvia are inseperable best friends. Wander is the main protagonist of the show and Sylvia is the deuteragonist. Their relationship is so wonderful and precious that I could feel that they are more than best friends. You don’t have to agree with everything I said especially if you don’t like the pairing because this is just what I feel. In the series, it is shown that Wander and Sylvia have an excellent and special chemistry and I love it. But they weren’t romantic, only platonic.

Wander is an intergalactic space traveler and a do-gooder. He was so funny, friendly and kindhearted. He always help those who are in need and do good. He sees the good in everyone even if that person is bad. He is a kind of guy you would like to befriend with. Sylvia is a zbornak, who is Wander’s traveling companion and best friend. She is tough, brave and intimidating,but also caring and protive. She could make a good big sister. Wander and Sylvia have a mysterious relationship because there might be something hiding behind their relationship and how it made us question if they are actually couples. But it was never answered in the show. They might be lovers that are hiding the romance between them or maybe they see each other as just friends but are actually lovers. I may have found some hints that their relationship can be romantic: the multiple hugs they give each other, they pretended to be parents, they share a glass of drink with two straws and a planet, that has a crush on Wander, was jealous of Sylvia. The episode, with the jealous planet, might the episode that really tries to hint that they are romantic. It was the first episode where Wander and Sylvia says “I love you” to each other and it shows Wander not wanting to fall in love with another girl, but rather wants to be with Sylvia. Wander did say to Sylvia that he can imagine a lot things but he can’t imagine a better friend than her, which means to me that she could be the only one he wants in his life forever. None of them has any love interests throughout the show. It might mean that the two of them should be partners. The story of how they met is interesting. Sylvia used to be a bad person and a dangerous bounty hunter, but Wander’s influence changes her to a goodhearted person. Since the show was cancelled we never get to see more of their past lives.

Again, you don’t have to agree with everthing I said. It is just what I feel.

Skidmark Fan Art

This is my fan art of Skidmark from the Dreamwork movie, Turbo, and its TV series, Turbo FAST. I used colored pens, black ink pen, poster paint and colored pencils.I thought the movie was okay, but the series was greater than the movie. In the series, the characters, Whiphlash, Skidmark, White Shadow, Burn and Smoove Moove get more character development and they are lovable.

My favorite character is Skidmark, the blue snail who was Whiphlash’s feisty number two and the one with propellers on his racing shells because he is so smart and had a good sense of humor. The fact that he is a conspiracy theorist only made him more lovable.

I will tell more informations about him than wikipedia did, though I am getting ideas from wikipedia and add my thoughts about him and I’m sorry that I will not talk about the other characters. But don’t take this so seriously because I may have said something wrong.

He is very talented at mechanics as he builds racing shells that give him and his teammates speed and his racing shell has mechanical arms inside it, which he often use to build his invention quickly and used like hands. Skid is one of the funniest characters in the series and is shown to be enthusiatic. He the most intelligent and wisecraking of the crew as he come up with plans and ideas and can tell a pretty good joke. He is studious and an absolute genuis, but insane. His teammates often get annoyed with his fondness to conspiracy theories, despite most of them are true. He has the ability to see other people’s thoughts and knows that he is in a show as he sometimes breaks the fourth wall. Although he have an unusual behavior and slacks off at times, he is a devoted member of the crew and he proved that he have compassion such as saving innocent snails and insects from dangerous creatures, helping others and sacrificing himself to save his friends.

The series did not reveal his past life. I know that his real name is Skip Markovitch, but where does he come from? It said that he is an immigrant from a place called Shellis Island and his last name was changed. It was never mentioned in the series that he has any parents or relatives. Maybe he was found by Whiphlash and was the first one to be recruited to the crew and that’s why he’s the second-in-command. Maybe Whiphlash was his adopted father or guardian after he moved to him.

Some people say that ordinary snails can smart, but a snail literally has no brain. Does the makers of the series even know that snail don’t have brains? Skidmark said that he have a brain and keeps saying things about it like “it’s messing with my brain.” Maybe Skidmark didn’t mean an actual brain, but another organ that controls. Maybe he is the only snail that has a brain. I know that the snails in Turbo are anthropomorphic, but Skidmark is rather unique. Maybe the reason why he is a genuis was because he has a brain. This is not making any sense, but I just saying.

There is something good happened when watching Turbo FAST and Skidmark as my favorite character. Skidmark inspired me to study harder and to be smart. It really help me in school. I’ve been getting good grades because I’ve been studying really hard and I became smarter. I’m very thankful.

Wander Over Yonder Fan Art

This is my Wander Over Yonder fan art. It is in my sketchbook and painted with acrylic paint. I’m posting this and I going to further tell the story behind this fan art.

WOY is an animated series created by Craig McCracken. It’s about two intergalactic travellers, who help people to have fun and live free. I really love the show and it became my favorite because it was charming and funny. It’s like a show that I always wanted to watch and the main protagonist, Wander, is really funny, a character that I like to be the protagonist, and the deuteragonist, Sylvia, was a tough female character and that is something I like. As an artist, I love the animation because it’s colorful and a beautiful work of art. When I watched more episodes, something changed my life forever. The show was more about helping others and doing good and it inspires me to do so. It shows the true meaning of helping. When I help someone, it feels good. I become a better person. If you help others and do good, I know you will be rewarded like the people will help you back.

This is my favorite WOY fan art that I have ever made. This is a picture of a girl that looks like me, but it could be anyone, with her cat witnessing Wander and Sylvia. I may want to allow the fans to make their own version of this like changing the appearance of the girl to make her look like them and also change the cat to whatever their pet was. I share this on twitter, but I don’t know if someone make their own version. But I don’t want anyone turning my idea into theirs. I came up with this picture after the show was cancelled. I was sad and angry that it was cancelled because the show had become a part of my life. Think of the good things the show have done to me and how it helped a lot people. I made this fan art to express how I love it and how much I miss it. I write a short poem for this.

Is it the sun, the moon or a star?
I witness something that came across it
I know no one will believe me expect my cat
But what I’m seeing is just wonderful