This is when I ended up liking the sketch better than than the line art.

I did this way back on inktober. Using ink pen on traditional drawing is hard for me because I can not erase it once the ink is on the paper.

I really want to post, but I getting slower on drawing and I have been getting burnouts that I did not draw anything good.

2021 has been a sad year for me. There are happy times, but most are sad. I am not expecting anything good in 2022 because I am not optimistic. I will just to do things that I like to do to keep me happy.

Day 4 of inktober. When I heard “knot”, this scene from the 2011 Winnie the Pooh came to mind. “I can tie a bow.”

I love Winnie the Pooh and Piglet is one my favorite. The films and the books are a part of my childhood. I bring the things I like and I will make fan arts on inktober so that at least I have a little bit of fun rather than just feeling challenged.

I haven’t posted for long time, so here is a sketch of our dog when he was a puppy. I drew this months ago when I first move to college, which means this drawing is old now.This dog is no longer a puppy, he is all grow up now. If you are wondering whether I’m a cat person or a dog person, I’m both. I like cats and I like dogs. I was first a cat person before the dog came in as some of artworks are cats.

Last two weeks and five day, classes have been suspended for a long time so I sailed back to my hometown. I’m now at home and have been staying inside for two weeks and five days now and I should have been doing something while in quarantine. Well, I did some drawings, but I’m mostly lying down, eating, watching videos and reading. I thought I should post on wordpress again because it been a long time and so I have something to do while in quarantine. I should’ve done that in the past few weeks.

Stay at home, keep praying and stay safe.

Cat Sketch

A pencil sketch of our pet cat. We have him with us since he was a kitten. His mother is also our pet and he have a brother, a sister, and a half brother (the kitten from my painting, “The Kitten at Home” was his half brother). And also the mother of his mother used to be our pet. I’m sad to say that his mother had passed away due to what we think was caused by snape bite and his brother move away because they don’t get along. They did get a new pet, which was a dog, and I hope he will get along with cats, become friends and playmates. We also have a dozen of chickens.

There are more animals in this place. I live near a forest, a tropical forest, where I could heard and see a lot of birds. And sometimes there are civets coming into our yard and eat our papayas during the night and sometimes I could hear owls. There are also those times there is this iguana that sometimes come to our yard. Well I do love animals.