Leafy Urban Sketches

One week ago, online school is finally over so I now have the time to do whatever I want. I have never posted in a long time because of online school. During time of school, I took an urban sketching class and because of the pandemic that we can’t go out, we mostly sketch the things at home and we use google maps or images fond online. We were asked to post our sketches on instagram and my teacher said that we are allowed to make another instagram account so I made a second account because my main account is not just for urban sketches and I don’t want to my followers (if they even care about me) to think that I’m an urban sketcher now. I like to make art that I could take some time for it to look good than a one or two hour sketch. I realized that watercolor is the medium that I’m the quickest to finish a piece.

Here are some sketches of my mother’s plants that have pink/purple/red color on their leaves. There are a lot of these colored plants at home and they feel nostalgic to me because have seen some of these kinds of plants when I was a kid. These are the urban sketches that I like so I chose them to be on wordpress.

I have a bad day and something made it worse. I hope things will be better later on.

First Digital Art

I finally get to try digital drawing. Now that I got to buy a drawing tablet, I can do some digital drawings. I immediately like it because it felt easier and I never get dirty or make a mess. I am still learning how to properly do it. The man on the picture is my original character and I named him Artemus Nightingale. There are possibilities that I might change the name, but I couldn’t think of anything better.

The Beatles Pop Art

This is definitely a fan art and it is also a pop art. It’s the Beatles pop art and each of them are in complementary colors. I love the Beatles. I haven’t posted fan arts in a long time and it was nice that I get to do a fan art again. I made this as a project in online school from last year. I never liked online school because I’m barely participating and it made my addiction to the internet even worst. Last year, I have some ideas on some fan arts but I did not make any because of online classes and there is something messing with my head that I couldn’t tell what. Anyway, I’m happy with this artwork and I hope I get to more art that I want to do.

Lighthouse Keeper

This is an original artwork so it won’t get as many likes as my fan arts especially in instagram.

I can see why people love to see fan arts. I hope I can make more in the near future.

This is a project from my last school year. Proportion is the principle of design that is found in this acrylic painting. Proportion is the relationship between the size of elements in an image. This is a painting of a lighthouse keeper on his way back to the lighthouse after a talk on the beach. The proportion emphasizes the distance of the lighthouse. Proportion not only indicates the size differences of the elemants, it also indicates distance and location. A lighthouse should be bigger than a person, but in this picture, the man looks bigger than the lighthouse because he is closer to the viewer while the lighthouse is further away.

Bottle Painting

I haven’t posted in a while. I was suppose to be free these days because I our online schooling is over but something is making me do something else. The bottle artwork over here is a project in school. When I have done painting on his bottle, my parents saw it and think it’s cool so they want me to make another one or more in other settings, which sucks because when you’re an artist, you know the feeling when someone ask you to do draw something for free or you’re not passionate about, but they are my parents and there is nothing I can do about about it. Speaking of an artist problem, being an artist is both a blessing and a curse.

Now, I will talk about this artwork. The painting has a principle of design, which is emphasis. How I made the fox as the focal point is through contrast, which is when an object is different from the others, stands out the most and easy to spot. The fox is the only one with bright orange color that catches more attention and dominated the winter background. I made this artwork by painting the area of the bottle with white acrylic paint and then I painted misty background, the trees and the fox.

The wine bottle is from my grandfather. I don’t drink alcohol.

Taffy Fan Art

I love the Boomerang TV show, Taffy. It is about a raccoon named Scraggs, who was later renamed Taffy, disguises himself as a cat in order to get adopted, so that he can live a life luxury in a mansion and to no longer have an unlucky life in the dump. His plan was a success when the owner of the mansion, Mrs. Muchmore thinks he’s a cat. However, a dog named Bentley, who is Taffy’s rival, will try to expose Taffy to be a raccoon and so Taffy must do something to prevent that from happening.

This a fan art of Taffy holding a can of caviar with Bentley behind him. I painted Taffy and Bentley with acrylic paint. The Background was watercolor and I treated it like gouche again, which I think was a mistake, but I’ve seen other people did it. But I’m very happy with this artwork and I love it so much.

I absolutely love this show, it is fun to watch and I have a good time with it. The characters are likable and the animation looks gorgeous and stylistic and I’m a sucker for gorgeous and stylistic animations as an artist. Even if the show is new, it feels nostalgic to me because it reminds of those shows I watch as a kid.

My favorite character is Taffy because he is witty, playful, cute, and cheeky in a charming way that you want to root for him. I like how he is capable of handling any situation. He often help himself to some good food in the mansion that are way better than those in the trash, having fun in his new life and just trying not to get his cover blown. Even if he was an imposter, he actually wasn’t a threat to Muchmore manor so it is fine get him in. He was rather kind of sympathetic at first because he was down on his luck, very hungry and longing for good home and life until he got himself in Muchmore manor by disguising himself as a cat so Mrs. Muchmore adopted him and he is now living a life of luxury despite Bently trying to attack him to expose him as a raccoon. Thought Taffy wasn’t trying to be a bad kitty, he doesn’t have to be a good kitty all the time when Bentley keeps harassing him, he has to do something about it even if it means he has to get Bentley out of the mansion. When he gets too bad, I like that he learns from his mistakes and can still be a good kitty. He is definitely the best character of the show.

Bentney is an angry dog, who knows that Taffy is a raccoon and seems to be jealous of Taffy because Mrs. Muchmore give all her attention to Taffy than to him and he wants to get rib of Taffy. But Bently is actually a likable and funny character. Mrs. Muchmore is also likable, she is a happy and sweet rich senior who also have a sensitive side. Forsyte is the butler and he isn’t bad either.

The picture below is a screenshot. It is the cutest pose I’ve ever seen.

Moe’s Tavern Fan Art

This is a fan art of Moe’s Tavern from The Simpsons. I like The Simpsons and Homer is an iconic and very funny character. My favorite secondary characters are Moe Syslaks and Waylon Smithers. I like Moe because he is hilarious everytime he gets a prank call from Bart and he is a short tempered bartender, but he have caring side. I like Smithers, the devoted excutive assistant to Mr. Burns, because I find him being gay to be cute and despite working for an evil man, he is still a kind and goodhearted man.

This artwork took me so long to finish especially when I’m being patient with details. I even started making this before I drew the dog drawing, which makes this painting older than that drawing and I finished that drawing before I could even finished this painting. This was way before I went to college

This is a watercolor painting. There is nothing wrong with the painting itself, but it was how I made this was a huge mistake because I did not use watercolor paper and I treat the watercolor like gouche. I wanted it to have a watercolor effect, but I was new to watercolor and I never knew any techniques and it didn’t work because I wasn’t using watercolor paper because I prefer buying cheap art supplies before I went to art school. If you read my one of earliest post, I did use watercolor when I was a kid, but I was just a kid, I know nothing about watercolor techniques and how it should be used. I realized my mistake when I heard my teacher told a classmate, who treated watercolor like gouche, that in a watercolor painting, you can still see the paper through the paint or the paper is not fully covered with paint. I’m not going to lie, I might treat watercolor like gouche again because I know some people does that and their artworks are pretty good. I’m actually really happy with this artwork.

I haven’t posted for long time, so here is a sketch of our dog when he was a puppy. I drew this months ago when I first move to college, which means this drawing is old now.This dog is no longer a puppy, he is all grow up now. If you are wondering whether I’m a cat person or a dog person, I’m both. I like cats and I like dogs. I was first a cat person before the dog came in as some of artworks are cats.

Last two weeks and five day, classes have been suspended for a long time so I sailed back to my hometown. I’m now at home and have been staying inside for two weeks and five days now and I should have been doing something while in quarantine. Well, I did some drawings, but I’m mostly lying down, eating, watching videos and reading. I thought I should post on wordpress again because it been a long time and so I have something to do while in quarantine. I should’ve done that in the past few weeks.

Stay at home, keep praying and stay safe.

The Kitten at Home (New)

Here is a new version of “The Kitten at Home”. It is more detailed than the first one. The meduim for this is acrylic on canvas. I painted this for my first art exhition at school where painting majors gets to showcase their art. I have been having feelings of nostalgia. Ever since I moved for college, I really miss home so I repainted “The Kitten at Home. This painting is based from where I live. We have a garden, there are a lot of maya birds and chestnut munia in there and I have pet cats. I don’t have the first painting anymore because I passed it to my teacher and she never give it back, but I get to keep this new one.