Day 7, 8 and 9 of inktober drawings of my OC. All of my inktober drawings are on my school instagram account. I just a few of them post here.

I thought of putting my original characters on inktober so maybe I could practice drawing the design and style I went for. Bringing the things I like to the drawings makes it enjoyable to me. In participating on inktober, I had fun, but sometimes I struggle. My problems are my burnouts, the time and when the theme is something I have no idea of how to interpret it. But If I don’t have anything to think of how I interpret the theme, I just draw what they literally mean. There are times that I get too carried away in trying to make the drawings look good that it took me longer to draw than it was supposed to be. That just me when I’m making art. Ink may not be my preferred medium, but maybe inktober will improve my ink drawing skill. I’m not good at ink, I’m heavy-handed that my line arts are not smooth and I know that there will going to be bad ones, but I’m happy with most of them and it is not about how good I draw. I’m glad that I get to participate on inktober because I get to practice my style of drawing characters and setting them on the theme and also to learn something about ink drawing and bringing the things I like to make them more enjoyable.

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