I haven’t posted for long time, so here is a sketch of our dog when he was a puppy. I drew this months ago when I first move to college, which means this drawing is old now.This dog is no longer a puppy, he is all grow up now. If you are wondering whether I’m a cat person or a dog person, I’m both. I like cats and I like dogs. I was first a cat person before the dog came in as some of artworks are cats.

Last two weeks and five day, classes have been suspended for a long time so I sailed back to my hometown. I’m now at home and have been staying inside for two weeks and five days now and I should have been doing something while in quarantine. Well, I did some drawings, but I’m mostly lying down, eating, watching videos and reading. I thought I should post on wordpress again because it been a long time and so I have something to do while in quarantine. I should’ve done that in the past few weeks.

Stay at home, keep praying and stay safe.

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